Alternate Mac App Icons
Follow the below instructions to change things up. We wish we could have made it as easy as in our iPhone and iPad apps, unfortunately we couldn't on Mac. At least it is possible!
- Right-click on any of the App Icons below to get the context menu and use Copy Image.
- Open Finder and navigate to Applications, or right-click on the dock icon and choose Options → Show in Finder.
- Select the Darkroom app icon and use the ⌘ (command) I keyboard shortcut, or right-click and choose Get Info.
- Click the small thumbnail of the current app icon in the Info window at the top left.
- Use the keyboard shortcut ⌘ (command) V to paste in the new icon.
- Quit and reopen Darkroom to have the changes take effect in the Dock and Finder.
If you happen to know your way around a design tool you could also download our Darkroom icon template to see what you can come up with yourself.