2,654 Free Community Presets
Explore high-quality presets for every style and mood, handcrafted by our community of photo and video editors from every corner of the world.
Portrait Contrast9,419 Exports, 1,684 Installs
Malediven 69,199 Exports, 934 Installs
Kodak Gold2005,499 Exports, 1,210 Installs
Brian Italy RAW4,638 Exports, 495 Installs
Nature III2,624 Exports, 520 Installs
Adjustment2,318 Exports, 227 Installs
Fresh Arrivals
Caf dream 2118 Exports, 105 Installs
Charlie Hugs93 Exports, 48 Installs
bad enough91 Exports, 40 Installs
10club records12 Exports, 18 Installs
On the Court9 Exports, 3 Installs
Portrait Contrast9,419 Exports, 1,684 Installs
Kodak Gold2005,499 Exports, 1,210 Installs
Malediven 69,199 Exports, 934 Installs
Kodak portra 4001,480 Exports, 673 Installs
Nature III2,624 Exports, 520 Installs
Brian Italy RAW4,638 Exports, 495 Installs
Analog Film Favorites
Classic Negative69,900 Exports, 7,682 Installs
Kodak Punch28,944 Exports, 2,754 Installs
Ilford vintage Mk24,716 Exports, 1,083 Installs
FF CLASSIC NEGATIVE4,504 Exports, 1,611 Installs
Kodak portra 4001,480 Exports, 673 Installs
Independent Favorites
Clean Plate9,139 Exports, 794 Installs
Asteroid City4,335 Exports, 979 Installs
Heart-Shaped Sunglasses1,281 Exports, 778 Installs
Create your own custom presets
Develop your own unique style and save it as a preset for quick access. Apply presets with a single tap—or use batch processing and automation to speed through entire shoots in no time, and make them look consistent.
Manage and curate your presets
Make the presets that you use all the time front and center in the preset tool. Favorite, reorder, and hide preset groups to optimize your library for that extra bit of efficiency in your editing workflow.
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