Version 2 Release History
All new features, fixes & improvements. Thank you, to everybody whom has reported issues, and suggested features on our suggestion board!
Darkroom 2.11(.1)
August 8 '17Two small/tiny bug fixes. Apologies if we got your hopes up, just doing some house cleaning <3
Darkroom 2.10
It’s Monday in Amsterdam! We’re busy here working along the beautiful canals getting fresh bits ready for your consumption. Fresh out the oven:
- Haptic Feedback Added support for Haptic feedback to a variety of strategic interactions throughout the app such as on opening our tools, using our sliders in the adjustment and color tool
- Added support for the new and less obtrusive App Store Ratings dialogs provided by Apple
- Improved capturing taps for all tools using sliders, and the Curve Tool handles, ensuring less missed taps and drags
- Improved minor aspects of the new Discover & Try flows for premium features based on customer feedback

Try before you buy
Building on the momentum of the steady stream of previous releases, this release focuses on making the Premium Filters, Pro Color and Curves tools substantially easier to discover and try.
- Discover & Try completely rethought the way to discover and try our Premium Filters and the Pro Color and Curves tools.
- Now when trying Darkroom’s premium filters and pro tools there’s a single, consistently accessible and discoverable location in the app to purchase the filters and tools.
- Updated design of core tools We focused specifically on making it clearer how they to interact with the tools, and what the outcome of those interactions will be.
Key Changes
- The Curves tool now has handles on the curve line to make initial usage more intuitive, and color gradient vertical tracks to help explain the curves handles effect. (partly inspired by Denny Tang’s Tips video suggesting improvements for Tone Curves Tools).
- The Color tool now has color gradients on the slider tracks to help explain the sliders effects. This is particularly powerful with the Split Tone tool, Color tool (premium), and Temperature sliders. As well as all other sliders in the Adjustment tool. In the Color tool it’s now also easier to understand what color has been changed, and how it has been changed.
- The Filters tool now accommodates the presence of the all available premium filter even without purchasing them so they are easier to discover and try.
- The Split Tone Tool is now free, previously a premium feature, you’ll find it right at the bottom of the Adjustment tool.
Other Changes
- Made the header bars in the app smaller to reduce the chrome footprint and focus more on the photos.
- Adjusted the Crop tool to better fit in iPhone 5S-sized devices.
- Improved the state in which Darkroom didn’t have System Photos Access rights. Making it clearer and easier how to grant access.
- Improved the states for the Favorite and Edited tabs when no photos are favorited or edited yet.
- Assorted bug fixes throughout
This month’s update is a little early. Sometimes, things just work out that way! This one is a little smaller, but it builds on the work we did in 2.7.
- Addressing one of the longest-running UX issues in the app, the navigation bar in Darkroom is finally persistent when in the editing view! You no longer have to swipe down to share, and you no longer have to swipe down twice to go back to the library. This change is enabled by the redesign of the Export flow in 2.7 which dropped the Save as Square photo.
- The “Other Services” share dialog now integrates deeply with third party apps. Instead of the plain text Instagram share option, you get the “Copy to Instagram” share option which uses Instagram’s native share dialog. (Thanks @kevinshay for the tip)
- Updated the app’s interstitials to disappear faster.
Darkroom 2.7
As we mentioned in the last release, we are picking up the pace of changes. Expect smaller, more iterative updates as we march towards Darkroom's exciting future.
- Custom Filter Backup and Restore Now simply go to Settings and manually Backup your custom filter creations, and easily Restore when either upgrading to a new or extra device. The only requirement is an active iCloud account!
- Renamed “Share” to “Export” for clarity. We also redesigned and simplified the export experience
- Removed the Save as Square and third-party share shortcuts from Export. You will find the same options under “Other Services”.
- Updated icons and font of the app to be slightly more friendly.
- Swapped out the custom font we used for Apple's lovely system standard San Francisco font.
- All our in app icons have been updated to be a touch friendlier (softer corners), to be simpler (fewer objects), and where tweaked where possible to better explain their function.

2 year anniversary
Today marks the 2 year anniversary of Darkroom!! It won’t impact your Darkroom experience much, but it addresses a bunch of issues some of our users have been dealing with and reporting.
- When rotating an image that hasn't explicitly been cropped the cropped area now remains the maximum size.
- The As Shot option in the Crop tool now properly resets to the maximum size.
- The buy ProKit flow has been updated to be less confusing, making it clearer you can either just buy ProKit or use our Limited Offer to buy everything at a discount.
- The fresh install on boarding flow got an update, making the whole process shorter, and making restoring your previous purchases much simpler.
- In Settings there now is a Help section available with easy access to tutorials and frequently asked questions.

Darkroom 2.5
Hello, old friends! We missed you! Here's a little bug fix update to get things going as we ramp back up to full speed working on the best iOS photo editor :) Excited to share more with you as soon as possible!
- Photos on 4" devices (iPhone 5, 5S, and 5SE) had the wrong aspect ratio
- App won't load on iOS 10 Beta 5
- Photos won't load on iPads
- Removes the filter sharing option (This was a seldom-used feature that was very expensive when starting up the app)
- Loading of URLs in Settings
Darkroom 2.4
October 17 '15Darkroom 2.4
This update fixes a big with images not loading in our store. And a recently introduced bug that resulted in crashes when rotating while cropping.
Darkroom 2.3
September 25 '15Darkroom 2.3
- Better iOS 9 comparability And improved iPhone 4S and iPad handling.
When iOS 9 came out, it broke the Store button, which means I've been eating Ramen noodles for a few days now. This update fixes the issues that iOS 9 introduces regarding opening links and the store, including sharing to Instagram.
Also in this release, we've adjusted the behavior of the crop tool to accommodate shorter screens. Before, on iPads and iPhone 4S's, the bottom part of the crop interface was obscured by the tool. No More!
Darkroom 2.2
September 22 '15Darkroom 2.2
Ugh. The crashes with the last update where THROUGH THE ROOF! Sorry about that. A hot-fix release is a developer's worst nightmare, hopefully this fixes your issues!
If you continue to have problems, please don't hesitate to reach out: — We always respond within a few days.

Darkroom 2.1
- TIFF support Thank you all for your feedback and help making sure it worked.
New in this version of Darkroom
- Added ability to sort by Date Added as well as Date Created. You can change the sort in the Album Selector, and your choice is sticky, meaning you have to manually change it back if you want to. This is very helpful when you want to find a photo that is created a long time ago, but that you just added to your library recently. It's the equivalent of the "All Photos" album in the Photos app.
- Added new "Conserve Battery" option to Settings, disabling live preview of sliders.
- Fixed a bug that caused the app to crash repeatedly when starting up. The bug was caused by data corruption. If the files get corrupted, the data is still lost, but at least now the app will open up and you can keep using it. Still investigating long-term fixes for the data corruption bug.
- Fixed a bug that caused to break on previous generation devices (iPhone 4S and iPhone 5).

Introducing Darkroom 2
Darkroom 2 is finally here! Darkroom 2 is a milestone release with more than 14 new features covering every area of the product, an updated design reflecting the focus and simplicity of Darkroom, and an updated brand.
- Pro Kit (Free upgrade for Curves users) Curves has two siblings now: Color and Tone. The combination of these three tools allow you to perfectly capture a range of looks that where previously impossible to do with Curves alone.
- Filter Sharing Also part of the Pro Kit, you can now share your custom filter on social media, and get followers on Instagram as people download and use your filters!
- Premium Filter Packs. Four new premium filter packs available for purchase within the Darkroom Store. Along side a an update to all 12 filters that originally shipped right off the bat.
Thank you for your continued support of Darkroom!
- Added Favorite and Delete right within the app. These changes are integrated to the system-wide iOS library.
- Added New Share Services
- Save overwrites the original photo in your system library, allowing you to continue editing in other applications without duplicates.
- Save as Square Photo our radically simple one-button solution to share non-square photos to Instagram now gains the ability to inset the photo to provide borders.
- Added Copy & Paste any Edits you have made to a photo using the History Tool
- Added a Filter Strength slider
- Revamped and much improved our Brightness and Contrast algorithms
- Added 5:4 and 4:5 aspect ratio support to the Crop Tool
- Added Full Filter Management Tools: Rename, Reset, Update, and more.
- Added Library Sections to help you manage your large photo library.
- Added Modify Original Photo / Revert to Original as Share options
- Added option to inset your photo when adding white borders for Instagram.
- A whole new app Icon!
- ...and many many many more little improvements and details throughout the app.